2013年2月25日 星期一

The competitive market for smart

Industrial computer, Panel PC, networking appliance

The competitive market for smart, connected devices is heating up, which requires OEMs to stay focused on differentiating their products and getting to market quickly. ARM-based building blocks are enabling OEMs to reallocate the resources needed to find, install, program, and troubleshoot drivers or debug hardware and concentrate instead on their core competencies. With prevalidated platforms that are fully configured and tested to deliver the required interoperability, compatibility, and functionality, OEMs can focus on application development and reuse existing application-specific software on a flexible hardware framework.

It is a dynamic time in the embedded market, as processors and software advancements are breaking down the barriers that once limited the implementation of various computing platforms. In conjunction with these advancements, embedded computing board and module suppliers are continually enhancing their platform portfolios to take advantage of the performance, interface, functionality, and power improvements available with next-generation processor architectures.

